First responders are tasked with doing a job that very few people would ever wish to do. In the course of their careers they are subjected to violence, trauma, grief and aggression. This cannot be taken lightly. As a result, little bits of themselves get chipped away a little more as the days and years pass by. This unique modality of learning has emerged as a powerful ally in the battle against PTSD, and other forms of trauma utilizing the unique bond between humans and horses to foster recovery.

Experiential learning- combined with our equine educators- help us challenge participants to work towards self examination and personal growth. In other words, horses are your teachers, not the humans!

  • EAL keeps us present. By staying present it keeps our thoughts from stress and trauma allowing the brain to make positive associations and starving trauma pathways

  • EAL offers a safe environment to unwind and decompress

  • The horse is the teacher and they offer no judgement

  • Actions and behaviors result in immediate feedback

  • The learning about self never ends, it can just be built on and strengthened with the help of horses

With the help of the horses, first responders can be put on the path to healing from:

  • PTSD

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • With the added benefit of helping develop skills in:

  • Problem solving

  • Team Building

  • Leadership

  • Communication

  • Confidence

  • Building Positive Relationships

  • Self Awareness

  • Patience

  • Social Skills